Our team is here to provide guidance through the hiring process.
Please reach out if you have additional questions!
Email the Fire Department at srfd.administration@cityofsanrafael.org. Please include your availability.
Honestly, preparation, and professionalism will help ensure you are able to showcase your passion and qualifications during the interview process.
We also recommend taking the time to visit one of our fire stations and speaking with the on-duty crews. You can also learn more about the department and the City of San Rafael at cityofsanrafael.org.
The new hire academy is a 9 week intensive training process that all San Rafael Firefighters complete when they join our team. The academy includes 6 weeks of firefighting skills, 1 week of EMS didactic instruction, and 2 weeks of EMS field training.
The probationary period is 1 year from the date of appointment.